Billing & Payment Information
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AblePay Health Program is a way that our patients can save up to 13% on their out-of-pocket medical expenses (deductibles and coinsurance). As a member, you have flexible payment options on every bill and the full support of AblePay’s billing experts if you have a question.
The program is NO-COST and works with any primary health insurance, including Medicare. You can also include family members on your AblePay account.
AblePay Customer Service Phone: 484-292-4000
AblePay Customer Service Email:
Please feel free to contact us at 620-767-6811, ext 325 with questions. We accept payments by mail, phone, or in person as well.
Quick Pay Payment Solution
The link below provides another option for our patients to make online payments for their accounts here at MCH. Please follow the prompts as they will guide you through the process. Should you have any questions or issues with this payment solution please contact our office at 620-767-6811, extension 325.
Paying for Your Care
Thank you for choosing Morris County Hospital, we are pleased that you and your physician have chosen us to help with your medical needs. This information has been compiled to help assist you in understanding the process and responsibilities of billing for services and care while you or your loved ones have been here. Please be advised that in addition to a bill for our services, you may also receive a bill for other professional services while a patient here (i.e. from your physician, or consulting physicians, radiologist, etc.)
Our Patient Accounts staff will be happy to respond to questions about your bill, insurance correspondence, or payments. To reach us call 620-767-6811, Monday through Friday from 7 am to 5 pm.
Payment Arrangments
If you need to make arrangements to pay your bill or help with securing a loan from a local bank, please contact our Patient Accounts individual at 620-767-6811 ext 325.
Financial Assistance
Morris County Hospital offers a Financial Assistance Program that provides medical care free for patients who qualify based upon income guidelines. For assistance please contact either Patient Accounts at 620-767-6811 ext 325.
Insurance Requirements
Before hospitalization or use of outpatient services, you are responsible for meeting any special requirements of your insurance plan, such as prior approval, referrals, pre-certification, or obtaining a second opinion.
If you have insurance that requires you to contact your Primary Care Physician prior to going to the emergency room, you are responsible for calling your physician for approval.
Most insurance plans have special steps which must be followed unless you are seeking treatment for a life-threatening condition. Referral forms must be submitted to your insurance company by your physician. In most cases, the hospital is not allowed to provide referral forms.
Insurance plans are quite different and you need to know your plan requirements. If they are not met, your benefits can be greatly reduced or denied by your insurance company. For questions on the above issues, please consult your insurance company, or our Admissions Department at 620-767-6811 ext. 325.
Insurance Filing
Morris County Hospital will file your insurance claim for you. Because of special requirements by insurance companies and frequent changes in the requirements, it is necessary for us to have a copy of your current insurance card.
When we file your insurance, we will send you a summary of the charges being filed, if you require an itemized bill, please contact us. We will ask your insurance company to send payment directly to the Morris County Hospital, allowing your insurance company time to process and pay your bill. If payment has not been received within six weeks of the filing date, you will be billed for the unpaid balance.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
If you sustain an injury associated with a motor vehicle accident you must provide Morris County Hospital with information on your motor vehicle insurance carrier. Please notify our billing department when a claim number has been assigned. You must report your injury to your own motor vehicle insurance carrier.
Kansas law requires claims related to injuries occurring as a result of ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle to be filed with a motor vehicle insurance. Any claim for an injury arising from contact with a motor vehicle, even if the vehicle is not moving, must first be filed with your motor vehicle insurance. Most health insurance plans will not consider the claim until it has been filed with the motor vehicle insurance.
Worker’s Compensation Injuries
If you believe you have a work-related injury, you are required to provide Morris County Hospital with the name and address of your employer. You must report the accident to your employer within 24 hours. Failure to do so may result in loss of benefits. Health insurance plans generally will not pay claims determined to be work related.
Morris County Hospital Standard Charges
To improve price transparency, all U.S. hospitals and health systems are required to provide lists of standard hospital charges ― also called a chargemaster ― so patients can compare prices across hospitals. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind as you view the list of standard charges (chargemaster).
These charges are rarely the price that patients pay. The chargemaster lists the dollar amount set for each service prior to insurance contract/benefit plan discounts or self-pay discounts being applied, so the price patients pay tends to be less than the standard charge.
Hospital charges differ from patient to patient for the same service depending upon variations in treatment.
Patients who are eligible for financial assistance also receive additional discounts.
Items included in a charge vary across hospital systems. For example, what’s included in one hospital’s charge for room and board may differ from another hospital’s charge ― some hospitals bundle services together into a single charge that others may list separately.
Looking at various hospital charges does not provide any indication of quality of service and outcomes.

Video Instructions to use the Price Transparency Solution
For the most accurate estimate of the cost of care, patients can contact Morris County Hospital at or call 620-767-6811 for assistance in understanding the charges and related costs for a procedure or visit.
Kevin Leeper, CEO 620-767-6811, Extension 146
Ron Christenson, CFO 620-767-6811, Extension 120
Billing Information
Morris County Hospital strives to serve you in an effective and efficient manner. We realize that financial concerns can add to the stress of any medical need. This information is supplied to assist you in settling your accounts.
Office Hours: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
A summary statement of your account is mailed every four weeks. An itemized bill is available upon request.
After all insurances have paid on the accounts, payment in full is requested. Payments on accounts can be made via cash, personal checks, or by money orders. For your convenience MasterCard, Visa, and Discover Card are also accepted. MCH is now offering online bill payments as well. Your account statements will indicate how to process those payment options.
For self pay patients (those without any insurance coverage) we offer a 15% discount for payment in full upon receipt of the first statement.
If you are not able to pay the balance of your account in full upon receipt of your first statement, please contact Patient Accounts at 620-767-6811 and ask for extension 325.
For those individuals that qualify, Morris County Hospital has a Financial Assistance Policy to help patients that do not have the resources to pay for the healthcare services that they have received. Please contact Patient Accounts if you want to learn more about this policy. (Click here for Income guidelines and application for assistance.)
Should you believe that your insurance company has not paid in accordance with your health plan policy, please contact your insurance company before calling Morris County Hospital.
Further Billing Questions?
Call (620) 767-6811 Ext. 325
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30pm
Medicare, Blue Cross, and Medicaid
All other insurance, including auto accidents and workers compensation
Private-pay accounts or to set up a payment plan on a current account