Becoming a Patient
The Information in this section will answer some of the questions you may have if you are an inpatient with us.
Patient Rooms
Morris County Hospital’s patient rooms are all private, one patient rooms. They are very spacious with their own private restroom.

Birthing Rooms
Morris County Hospital has two all inclusive labor, delivery and postpartum suites equipped with a whirlpool bathtub. These rooms provide the opportunity for newborns to room in with their Mother.
Hospital Amenities
The front entrance of the hospital is open from 7:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., after 5:00 p.m. enter through our Emergency Room Doors.
Gift Shop
Patients & visitors may purchase gift items at the auxiliary gift shop, located the main lobby.
Vending Machines
Vending machines are located by the Emergency Room Visitor seating area.
Spiritual/Psychosocial Services
If you wish, we will notify your pastor that you are in the hospital. We also have ministers from the ministerial alliance that are willing to visit you if your pastor is not available.
Meditation Room
The Meditation room is a place for peaceful reflection in times of need. Provided by the Ministerial Alliance.
Visitor Guidelines
We encourage visits by family and friends. They are an important part of your recovery. Please understand that there are times when visitors should be limited due to patients condition and treatment. Your sensitivity and cooperation are appreciated.
Children and adults who are ill or have colds are asked not to visit.
Morris County Hospital is a smoke-free facility. We recognize our responsibility to provide our patients, visitors and employees with a healthy and safe environment. We appreciate your cooperation. No Smoking or Tobacco use is allowed on Morris County Hospital Property.
During your hospital stay, you can expect many people to walk in and out of your room: physicians, nurses, technicians, food service aides, and other hospital employees, and of course visitors. The friends and family who come to see you can be a great source of comfort, but they can also be disruptive and may insist on talking to you when you’re tired, uncomfortable, or just not in the mood for guests. Here are some coping strategies:
Urge people to call before visiting so you can tell them what time would be convenient or that you’re not feeling up to having company Don’t feel obligated to see everyone who wants to visit.
Don’t feel that you have to respond to prying questions. Give vague answers, such as “They’re working on that,” or “They’re waiting for test results.” If pressed, say “I’d rather not talk about that.” Then bring up another subject.
Encourage visitors to talk about themselves. That takes the focus off topics you’d rather not discuss.
Be aware that according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, your family and friends have no right to medical information about you without your authorization, and the staff should not be expected to give them any such information.
Ask people who have a cold or any other communicable illness to stay away.
Don’t argue with visitors who think they have all the answers about the best way to treat your illness.
If you want to limit your visits to, for example, close relatives, ask a nurse to post a sign saying, “Immediate family only.” Or you can request a sign that reads, “No visitors. Inquire at the nurses desk.”
Don’t hesitate to tell visitors that the visit is over. A remark such as “I need to rest now” should suffice.
Discharge Planning
You will be assisted in developing a plan for discharge. The Discharge Planner will talk with you about expected post hospital care needs, develop an appropriate plan of care with you and your family, and assist in making arrangements.
Arrange in-home services if needed such as bath-aid, physical or occupational therapy and housekeeping. Will also make arrangements for hospice, medal equipment, oxygen or transfers to nursing homes or other facilities.
Advance Directives
Advance Directives are documents which state your choices about medical treatment or name someone to make decisions about your medical treatment, if you are unable to make these decisions and choices yourself. They are called advance directives, because they are signed in advance to let your doctor and other health care providers know your wishes concerning medical treatment. Through advance directives, you can make decisions about your future medical care.
Kansas law recognizes two types of advance directives, a Living Will and a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. If you would like more information or have questions about advance directives, please ask to speak to our hospital Discharge Planner. The Discharge Planner is also available to assist you in executing these documents. Forms are available and may be completed at the hospital.
Indigent Drug Program
Program available to those with no prescription drug coverage. Must have local doctor and meet certain program criteria.
Patient Care Guide
Your room has a telephone available for use. This is not a direct number into your room, all calls go through the hospital switchboard, then transferred to your room. To dial a local number on the telephone in your room, dial 9 first and then the number. To make a long distance call, ask a member of the nursing staff.
The nursing staff will discuss how to use the call light, bathroom call light, and bed controls. To prevent injury, please wear non-slip footwear when up. If you do not have any, tell your nurse. No tobacco use is allowed on hospital property..
We want all of our patients and their families to feel informed about their condition and any part of their stay at Morris County Hospital. Members of your health care team will answer any questions you may have about hospital routines, care, equipment, tests, treatments, medications and diet.
There is a survey form in your admission packet. Your opinion is very important to us. Please fill out this survey about the care that was provided to you. You may leave it with your nurse on dismissal, or mail it back to us in our postage paid envelope when you get home.
Patient Rights
This is a list of your rights as a patient. This also gives the procedure for filing a complaint, if necessary.
You have the right to considerate and respectful care.
You have the right to obtain from your physician complete, current information concerning your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms you can reasonably expect to understand.
You have the right to receive from your physician information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure and/or treatment.
You have the right to have an advance directive (such as a living will, health care proxy, or durable power of attorney for health care) concerning treatment or designating a surrogate decision maker with the expectation that the hospital will honor the intent of that directive to the extent permitted by law and hospital policy.
You have the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of your action.
You have the right to every consideration of your privacy concerning your own medical care program.
You have the right to expect that all communications and records pertaining to your care should be treated as confidential.
You have the right to review the records pertaining to your medical care and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary, except when restricted by law.
You have the right to expect that within its capacity, the hospital must make a reasonable response to your request for services. When medically permissible, you may be transferred to another facility only after you have received complete information and explanation concerning the needs for and alternatives to such a transfer.
You have the right to obtain, and get assistance to obtain, a second opinion concerning your care.
You have the right to obtain information as to any relationship of your hospital to other health care and educational institutions insofar as your care is concerned. You have the right to purchase your records.
You have the right to be advised if the hospital proposes to engage in, or perform, human experimentation affecting your care or treatment. You have the right to refuse to participate in such research projects.
You have the right to expect reasonable continuity of care.
You have the right to know what hospital rules and regulations apply to your conduct as a patient.
You have the right to be free of restraints.
You have the right to be free from seclusion.
If you feel your rights have been violated in any way, or if you have a complaint concerning your care, ask to see a member of the administrative staff. Your complaint will then be investigated and any necessary action will be taken accordingly. You will receive a response within 72 hours.
You also have the right to file a complaint with licensing agencies concerning your care or your bill.
A. For complaints regarding your care: Kansas Advocacy and Protective Services 1-800-432-8276.
B. For complaints regarding your bill: State of Kansas Ombudsman 1-800-432-3535 -
You have the right to adequate pain control with the appropriate medication or treatment.
You have the right to exercise these rights and you will not be discriminated against because you have exercised these rights.