The first quarter 2024 is now history, as well as the last first quarter of the 21st century’s first quarter…does that get you thinking about how long ago the Y2K scare was, and how time is flying? Kind of like how all the Big 12 teams flew right out of everyone’s brackets in no time at all. So much for our thinking we were on top of the B-ball food chain. Oh well, next year will be here before you know it☺, and we can fall for their hype again.
Our January / February surge of “across the board” activity has definitely paused for a breath of air. March has not held up to the early pace, which perhaps should be expected, but is somewhat disappointing, especially as it appears we will not top March 2023’s revenue number. Some departments like the Clinics and related Labs and Imaging services are still bumping the green numbers, but other areas are a bit shy of targets. Rural medicine is so reflective of the environment of which it is a part, and it is what makes it a captivating challenge. Weather dictates the pace of our County’s economy, which is now ramping up to full throttle in these warming climes. I am convinced health needs take back seats in times where other priorities prevail – as they right well should. In rural Kansas, we for the most part, aren’t just city folks who can plan their lives outside of the nuances of weather, living their lives each season much like the season before. Anyway – this is my cheap 2 cents reflection on why our rural practice of medicine is so different than medicine in urban areas.
I am waiting on the summary of our Strategic Plan update which was discussed last week. That and the results coming this summer from a Community-wide Health Needs Assessment which is being conducted by a team out of Wichita State University. If you get a chance to complete one of their surveys (sometime in June we are anticipating), then I sure hope you will give it some earnest thought and complete their questions. You do have voices in what services we choose to offer.
I hope everyone had a special Easter with friends and families and that we can all now help our kids finish their school years in a strong and purposeful manner. And feel free to share your harvest of morel mushrooms with us, just any old time.
Special thanks to all of our caregivers who make our patient’s experiences here as good as they can be! And do have a great week!
