Continued Dedicated Service to Our Community
For Pay Period Ending February 1st
As we head into Super Bowl weekend, I am sure there are some areawide faithful who will begin tailgating in the next twenty-four hours or so and bulldogging it right through to kickoff. I am not that faithful, but I will be thinking of threepeat multiple times until its either achieved (or sadly not). GO CHIEFS!
MCH is still seeing some slower utilization of services that can be attributable to our recent cold and/or undesirable weather: Pulmonary Rehab for one. Other services are less desirable because of new year deductible statuses, which make you really need a service to be inclined to pay off the yearly startup patient obligation: Sleep Center and Pain Clinic areas for two. Otherwise, we are gaining back the green numbers that avoided us during the storm of a lifetime.
A big THANKS is appropriate for our generous Community which responded with a great turnout to our year’s first Blood Drive on 2-3-2025! And thanks to the volunteers who make this every-other-month event, a success! Though our hospital does not require near all the blood that we collect in these drives, there is a large state-wide demand for these irreplaceable products, and the Blood Center is very grateful for Morris County’s contributions to the blood bank.
Our Board has reviewed our first draft of a 2025 Budget, to which some tweaks are being made prior to releasing to managers for reviewing and helping to execute. Following our solid 2024, the plan is to prolong the momentum we gained.
Thanks for each of you who daily deliver attentive patient care, and to all of you: do something worth remembering in the next two weeks – AND, again, GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!
Kevin Leeper, CEO