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Administrator’s Bi-Weekly Review (January 23rd)


Continued Dedicated Service to Our Community

For Pay Period Ending January 18th

Digging out from the big blast of nearly three weeks ago has certainly been a slow process with the continued low temps. The weatherman keeps promising a return to a normal winter by Sunday and everyone hopes he is right. People need their routine medical treatments and therapies, which have been logistically compromised for the start of this year. My guess is that business levels for everyone except the utility companies and road clearers is well below average over the past three weeks. Our one real blessing is that we are not located in the outer Los Angeles area. We all prefer our cold to their fiery heat, and our thoughts are indeed with those affected.


Staying inside during this pay period has given everyone ample time to reflect on our new Presidents’ inauguration as well as the start of our new State Congressional year here in Kansas. I am not sure everyone is optimistic about the new personnel in our nationwide offices, but I think everyone owes each of them a chance and some time to improve our current state!


With approval of our Board, MCH has embraced the opportunity of picking up some new and older equipment via the liquidation effort Emprise Bank is conducting with the former assets of Herington Hospital, Inc. Though a reminder of the very sad day for the Herington Community, it is nice that we, as a neighboring hospital, can put to good use several items purchased, primarily for the opening of an outpatient center in Hillsboro, KS. We are purchasing a couple new OR lights and an x-ray room, a large sterilizer, and several other smaller pieces of clinical equipment, at steeply discounted prices.


We have February start dates for our two new part time physicians: Dr. Tyler Stephenson, FP and Dr. Diane Hunt, Gen Surgery. As their schedules crystalize we will post their availabilities on our website. I want to thank and appreciate the great support given to a frozen pipe break at our Assisted Living Center, just yesterday. With an alert onsite staff and a few hospital people that hurried over around lunchtime, I think major damage was avoided. My hat is off to Laverne Young and her dedicated crew for responding so effectively!


I remind everyone to keep some work time attentive to knowing were our policies are located – an unannounced survey team is heading this way in the near future and will be asking random employees questions about our policies. Each of us practicing what our policies prescribe is the next thing they will want to validate. Also – remember what our #1 purpose for being here is – to assist our customers in the absolute way we would want to be treated. Thanks and have a great end to January – AND GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!

Kevin Leeper, CEO



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