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Administrator’s Bi-Weekly Review (November 15th)


Continued Dedicated Service to Our Community

For Pay Period Ending November 9th

Cannot help but open with a comment on the election week just passed, and I will try to be as neutral as possible. All Americans know that our nation has been on a divisive slide of grievous polar opposition for some time now. I think it is more recognizable now than ever that our mainstream media and talk show hosts have been the biggest culprits of promoting this divide. To me, last week’s election results seemed to suggest that our nation’s voters are seeing through the constant complaining of the other side, with the media/hosts masquerading their rhetoric as the truth, and that such posturing is not what is important to most people. What is important is: 1.) protecting the principles of our nation, 2.) the safety of our citizens, and 3.) the return to hope for an economically viable lifestyle for all. The Democrats used to lobby for the financial support of those suffering from their borne circumstances and/or hard times. However, they have not messaged that principle as much in the past decade. The resulting gap was weaved into a Republican message that apparently touched many of those households, giving many a stronger sense of hope for better times ahead. With this decisive Republican victory, those elected sure better follow through with the message of improving things for all, in as fair a way as possible. No party has had an attainable chance to bring closer together our divided nation for some time…the responsibility, opportunity is now immense, and I truly hope that the newly elected leadership will focus on those related mandates above all else. There is so much to gain, and equally as much to lose if not embraced and executed. Hope we can all root for their success, as everyone would come out a winner (except maybe the talk show hosts☺)!


So apparently, our last week’s metrics indicate that people truly were focused on voting and on the election, so we will not belabor the softer numbers experienced at MCH, our overall softest month-startup of the year. However, our Clinic’s collective traffic did hold their own, which made for a busy Lab as well! A new part time APRN worked her first weekend ER shift for us, so I want to introduce Kisha Patterson in that role. She was not eased into her first act of duty, as 19 patients visited her this last weekend. So, welcome aboard Kisha!


As we are in the midst of Medicare’s open enrollment period, I just want all of you new (or even experienced) to the Medicare Insurance Benefit world, to be a bit skeptical towards the tempting commercials we are all now hounded with by the Medicare Advantage Companies. I also want you to know that these insurance companies are paid by CMS (Center for Medicare at the Federal level) to deliver health care services to Medicare age recipients, but are equally motivated to make a profit, unlike our traditionally run Medicare program. Therefore, if they spend millions in advertising and give away millions more in “wellness perks” for their committed customers, I assure you that they will not be paying as much in claims as the traditional Medicare Plan will pay on your behalf. If you need healthcare services moving forward, there will likely be a higher cost for you to pay at your point of service than what you are initially saving from possibly lower monthly premiums. Please give it considerable thought, and try to talk with some who have regrettably tried and suffered through an MC Advantage Plan before – these plans are truly NOT MEDICARE, but a Medicare replacement.


Hope everyone is enjoying fall, football, and occasional folly. Thanks for choosing MCH when needed!

Kevin Leeper, CEO



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