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Administrator’s Bi-Weekly Review (September 9th)


Continued Dedicated Service to Our Community

For Pay Period Ending August 31st

What a difference two weeks made, as you see one of busiest pay periods represented below. My hat’s off to our patient care team that cared for its highest two week census of 2024…something usually reserved for the depths of winter! That and a high surgery and ER volume really brought back a level of business to top off our summer months. I just hope our outcomes continued to satisfy our clientele!


I want to get this nice report of August out today so my story is brief. Four of us experienced an inspiring group of speakers at last week’s Kansas Hospital Association conference, and with our absence I especially thank those of you who manned the fort while we were away. I am very proud of our team and the results we are achieving this year!


And, thanks to all our staff who are daily mindful that our customers and visitors come first!

Kevin Leeper, CEO



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