We are pleased to provide our patients with the opportunity to participate in Health Information Exchange (HIE). An HIE provides their participating providers access to health information regardless of where the patient receives care. These participating providers may connect to other participating providers electronic health records to view health information for patients enrolled in the network as they deem necessary. This helps a patient’s providers—primary care practitioners, specialists, hospitals, and clinics—to have ready access to patient health information. For example, if you go to an emergency room or clinic that participates in an HIE network, the healthcare providers would be able to access your health information to help make treatment decisions for you.
The following information is made available to participating providers in an HIE: (1) records of allergies and drug reactions; (2) medication and immunization history; (3) transcribed diagnostic and treatment records; (4) procedure records; (5) problem lists and diagnoses; and (6) notes from the patient’s practitioners.
Currently your health information is being sent to the KONZA Network HIE and effective February 1, 2025, your health information will be sent to the Commonwell Network.
If you have questions, please contact the Business Office, HIM, or MCH Clinic to discuss